Proposals for primary free school rejected by Dept for Education

Sylvan School logo:

Those behind the proposal for a primary free school with a vision for children spending half of their time outside of the classroom, received a disappointing blow this week.

A 100 page free school application, recently submitted to the Department for Education, was rejected from the pre-opening stage.

The say, “The DfE felt that the group did not demonstrate a proven track record of school leadership. The Sylvan School will therefore not open.”

A message posted to The Sylvan School Website yesterday read,

The team behind the Sylvan School would like to thank the Isle of Wight community for their support and enthusiasm for their vision to host a new outdoor school.

Despite an overwhelming response from over 600 local parents and a promising educational vision, the team behind the school suffered a major blow to their plans at the final stage of the application process.

Undeterred by the set back the team say they “stand firmly by their principles and are exploring alternative methods of delivering their vision”.

Find out more by visiting their Website.