Community Workshop: Tonight in Upper Ventnor

The next public workshop in relation to The Town Plan For Ventnor, Bonchurch and St Lawrence, takes place tonight and will be focusing on Upper Ventnor.

The call from the organisers of the event is to go along and give your views on what future developments you would like see to take place; and what you would like to see happen, to benefit Upper Ventnor.

Barry Cooke, Interim Head of Property Services will attend this workshop and explain what is happening about the Lowtherville Garden Estate area, and the process involved.

This will give everyone the opportunity to say what they feel about the Estate, and Barry can take away your aspirations and thoughts! He’ll be joined by fellow colleague, Andrea Jenkins.

Some of the areas planned to be discussed will be:
1) Environment
2) What community Facilities are really needed
3) Economy
4) Community Cohesion

It starts at 7.30pm prompt, in the Ventnor Middle School, main hall.

Please be part of our town’s future. For further info email ventnor2008(at)btinternet(dot)com or call 07966 494770