A three-bedroom house with rooftop solar panels could be built within the grounds of a neglected former Isle of Wight hotel.
Paul Clark has lodged a planning application with County Hall for a two-storey home off Ventnor’s Madeira Road, on the grounds of the former Ventnor Towers Hotel.
‘Potential loss of high amenity trees’
However, the council’s Senior Arboricultural Officer said Mr Clark’s application could be refused due to the ‘potential loss of high amenity trees’ said to be ‘significant to the wider area’.
The officer’s report states that trees T3, 5, 6, and 7 have “a low grade individually and as such they can be removed to facilitate the build”.
He also says that root protection areas for the two pine trees (T8 and T9) are incorrectly plotted and have not been calibrated to take into account the site constraints. He also adds that the tree report is “incorrect to say the lower part of the bank will have holm oak roots in and as such will not have the roots of the pine tree”.

The officer added that if it is the intention to develop in this area, “the positioning of the build should be in an area that is less damaging to the two pine trees and trees of high amenity in general”.
What’s proposed
In addition to bedrooms, the proposed building would have a living room, utility room, kitchen, dining room, ensuite bathroom, dressing room and balcony.
There would also be two car parking spaces and a bike store.

One objection
The council has so far received one objection under the name, M. Swan,
“This ultra-modern building is totally out of harmony with the surroundings. Any previous newbuilds in the area have been reasonable in keeping with the rest of the area.
“It would be a shame to allow this type of building to be erected in a conservation area.”
Other applications on the site
In April 2024, the applicant received permission to demolish extensions that had added to the Victorian hotel in later year. Demolition of the extensions is almost complete.
Change of use from hotel to a single residential dwelling was also granted.
View the plans
You can view the plans on the council’s planning register (25/00007/FUL).
The public consultation runs until 7th February and a decision is expected on 5th March 2025.
This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed