Corries Cabin Turns Catch Into Cash For Local Charities’

For the eighth year in a row, Island fish and chip shop Corries Cabin, held their annual fundraising event, with the proceeds going to four Island charities, including the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

Richard and Frank -More than £1,150 was raised at the Cowes and Oakfield based shops, beating last year’s total by an amazing £150, with £500 of the proceeds donated to the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, £300 to Friends of St Mary’s, £200 to The Earl Mountbatten Hospice and £150 to Naomi House, a hospice for children and young adults. The aim of the Corries Cabin fundraiser has always been to support local good causes.

Cheques presented yesterday
A cheque presentation took place on the 15th March at the Cowes based chip shop, when proprietor Richard Quigley presented Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust CEO Frank Fletcher with their cheque for £500.

50p from every purchase made throughout the February half term week (13th – 19th February) was donated to the charities. Traditionally the funds have been split between The Earl Mountbatten Hospice as well as other local charities.

Third year for Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust
This is the third year Corries Cabin have donated to Cowes based charity, The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, which takes young people sailing to help them regain their confidence, on their way to recovery from cancer, leukaemia and other serious illness.

Frank Fletcher, Trust CEO said, “The support of the local community is more important now than ever, the Trust is solely funded by charitable donations so receiving continual support from local businesses is a lifeline. This is the third year Corries Cabin has donated to us and it’s wonderful that the customers and staff are still so generous, it costs £500 to take one young person sailing on a four-day trip, so thanks to them one more young person will have this opportunity”

Nearly £9,000 in eight years
Proprietor Richard Quiqley commented, “Over the eight years we have raised nearly £9,000 for local good causes, it never ceases to amaze me how generous our customers are, even during such hard times people will still come out to support charity events.

A big thank you to all our staff too, not only for working hard all year but they also give up an hour’s wages each during that week”

Further pledges of support or donations to The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust can be made via the website,