Front view of the The Bird Bar signage nestled in between signage for neighbouring properties

Cowes bar owner appeals against planning decision on signage dispute

The owner of a bar in Cowes has lodged an appeal against a decision by Isle of Wight’s planning department to refuse a retrospective application for erection of signage.

External signage for ‘The Bird Bar’ at 104 High Street, Cowes, sits between ‘House’ and ‘Pinnacle Suites Hotel’.

In their planning application that was refused, the agent argued that Cowes High street hosts numerous properties with advertisement and signage to their associated shop frontages; and directly adjacent to the site consists of similar signage proportions for the ‘House’.

Reasons for refusal
Planning officers refused the application on the following grounds:

  • The advertisement, because of its position and size, would be a prominent and visually intrusive addition to the street scene which would contribute to the unnecessary clutter of the area. This would be harmful to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area as well as the setting of the nearby listed building and to the general amenity of the area.
  • The proposed advert would result in a hazard to pedestrians, especially those that are partially sighted.

More detail on the refused planning application can be found on the council’s planning register (24/00503/ADV).