Save Dave authors and illustrators

Creative Carers group unveils inspiring children’s book ‘Save Dave’

The Creative Carers group, part of the charity Carers IW, has released a new children’s book titled The Worms of Wormington, Save Dave. The book, written and illustrated by members of the group, is a collaborative project that aims to bring joy and creativity into the lives of unpaid carers on the Isle of Wight.

Carers IW supports adult unpaid carers who care for adults with disabilities. Based at the Riverside Centre in Newport, the Creative Carers group offers its members a crucial opportunity to take time out and focus on their own well-being through artistic activities.

Collaboration and camaraderie
The group is made up of a diverse range of personalities and abilities, but they all share similar circumstances as carers. This common experience creates a unique camaraderie among members. Beyond its artistic focus, the group is a place for joy, fun and laughter.

The Save Dave project has been a key part of this atmosphere, offering members a sense of pride and achievement. “It has given people a real sense of worth, pride, and excitement,” according to those involved.

The Creation of Save Dave
The project began in January 2024 as a simple idea: to write a children’s story as a group. The group explored various children’s books, focusing on how such stories often involve journeys or problems to be solved. After much discussion, they decided their characters would be worms, inspired by one member who described feeling “small and insignificant, like a worm”.

Each member contributed by creating a worm character with a unique look, personality and name. The story itself was written collaboratively, with every member contributing ideas. Once the outline was complete, the group refined it into a final story format, tweaking details until everyone was satisfied.

From illustrations to publication
The illustrations for the book were also a group effort. Using needle-felting and watercolour techniques, the worms and various other elements were created. Group facilitator Lucy Bell then digitally collaged these elements, ensuring continuity throughout the book.

After completing the book, the group received positive feedback, including interest from a local publisher. Ultimately, the group decided to self-publish the book with the assistance of editors Bella Janson and Sophie Ross. This process involved making key decisions about everything from paper quality to print runs, further enriching the group’s experience.

Bell: Has become so much more than just a book
Lucy Bell, group facilitator and artist said,

“This has become so much more than just a book, it’s a beacon that highlights the importance of charities like Carers IW who support unpaid carers. I hear from the members what a difference being here makes to their lives and I feel privileged to spend time with such fabulous people and work for a really supportive charity.

“It’s given such excitement, pride and joy to the group members, and we hope by selling the book, not only will it raise money for CarersIW, but it will also spread the joy that went into the creation of the book.

“We are all so proud of Save Dave and will never forget the fun had creating it. We’ve had lots of belly laughs along the way!”

Martin: The peer support is wonderful
Elizabeth Martin, Carers IW Manager said

“It is delightful to see the transformation of the group of unpaid carers who have achieved such a remarkable book.

“The peer support is wonderful.”

“We laughed until we cried”
One group member said,

Save Dave was the best fun ever! We laughed until we cried!

“When your life is full of rubbish, to have those few hours on a Friday to actually enjoy yourself is priceless.”

More joy and laughter
A group member said

“Creating Save Dave was fun! It took me out of myself, for a few hours it was for me, laughing as I don’t very often anymore”

Another group member added,

Save Dave has been really good for me. I enjoyed being welcomed into the group and having time with such a bonkers group!

“We have had so much laughter and have so much support for each other.”

Launched in November
The Save Dave project highlights the power of creativity and community for the members of Creative Carers. It has not only produced a delightful children’s book, but has also given the carers a space for self-expression and connection.

Save Dave will be launched at the Carers IW conference on 27th November. Copies will be available to purchase via Carers IW and other local sellers.

For further details please contact Carers IW [email protected].