Cycling: Seven take part in Colemans 25 mile time trial

Paul Martin:Thanks to Alan for this report from the Vectis Roads Cycling Club. Ed

Seven riders turned up to contest the Coleman’s 25 Mile Time Trial at 8:30am Sunday morning.

Not always so popular as the afternoon and evening events, the Sunday morning events require a bit more willpower to climb out of bed, perhaps more so after the ten mile race the previous day, or after a Saturday night out!

All seven riders had completed the Saturday afternoon race, so were well warmed up for the longer distance, which needs a bit more pace judgement than the shorter ten mile race.

Simon Ambrosini of Wightlink/LCM Systems RT proved he is a class act by completing the 25 miles course in 58 minutes and 18 seconds, over 25 mph average on Island roads!

Five minutes behind was Vectis Roads CC rider Paul Marin in a respectable 63 minutes and 49 seconds. He was followed closely by James Brett, also of Wightlink LCM Systems in 64 minutes 13 seconds.

Thankfully the fine weather stayed long enough for the finish of the race and the early spring sun was very welcome, boosting the temperature to a balmy 11 Celsius!

Image: Second place rider Paul Martin, Showing the new Vectis Roads CC club competition kit