Daft Old Duffer: Should We Be Here At All?

If we’re the product of evolution – survival of the fittest and all that – why do we like going fast?

Daft Old Duffer: Should We Be Here At All?I don’t mean running fast, or swimming fast – engine driven fast. In conditions where the slightest twinge of circumstance could send us to a screaming, mangled death. And what about jumping from high places and dangling from a big hanky – thing? And trudging on foot to nasty places when there are perfectly good airplanes available. In fact, why go to nasty places at all?

What about mountains?

We all know how dangerous they are. You can die there in so many ways – exposure, lack of oxygen, braking a leg, getting lost, or just by falling.

Yet loads of us not only flock there, we insist on clambering up the most hazardous bits we can find.

What rogue gene is responsible for all that?

Another thing. Why do we run screaming from snakes and spiders – most of whom are harmless to humans and much more inclined to run away from us than stand their ground?

And yet want to hug tigers and lions and panthers – all of whom want to rip us apart and eat us?

What sort of evolutionary development brought that about?

And …

If we are the result of natural selection, the survival of the fittest and all that, why have we ended up craving all the foods most likely to do us harm?

Why don’t we find lettuce and raw carrots and wheat gruel absolutely delicious and chocolate, cream and bacon thoroughly revolting?

Or, from another angle – If we have for lots of generations past been stuffing ourselves with bad-for-us fodder such as bacon and egg, fatty meat and toffee, how come we are in general, fitter stronger and living far longer than Grandad?

Why aren’t we pasty-faced,spindly- limbed degenerates coughing our diseased lungs up?

How sure are we Darwin got it right?

Don’t worry though if I’m too late. Have a good 2010.

Image: US Army under CC BY 2.0