Daft Old Duffer: Ventnor Vapouromiter No 7

With car ownership increasing at the rate it is, the day cannot be far off when the only safe way to use our vehicles will be to hand over control – at least on our major routes – to some form of automatic traffic control.

Daft Old Duffer: Ventnor Vapouromiter No 7Whether it be by radar or under-road sensors or satellite.

Once we have driven the few side roads up to the throughway, control of our vehicle will automatically be taken over, to be restored only at the exit point nearest to our destination.

And any vestige of pleasurable driving will be restricted to those areas with no direct connection to urban areas.

Parts of Essex and Wessex perhaps. And Cornwall, Devon, the Highlands of Scotland and Wales

And certainly the Isle of Wight.

So we will not only have scooterists crossing the Solent, but packs of car cruisers too.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be so keen to get our potholes patched after all.

Oo-er missus
I see Playboy Magazine are issuing a 3D version of their centrefold. That prompts me to renew my call for Playboy to be issued free to all OAP’s on a restricted income.

After all, there’s only so much you can do with jigsaw puzzles.

Image: Star5112 under CC BY-SA 2.0