Damien Nettles: Make 2012 A Year Of Answers Pleas His Mother

We all know about the tragic case of missing Isle of Wight teenager Damien Nettles.

Damien NettlesLast November saw the 15th anniversary of Damien’s disappearance with the family no closer to finding out what happened to Damien all those years ago

Damien’s mother, Valerie, posted this heartfelt message on Facebook earlier today and gave her permission for us to reproduce it on VB in the hope that it will make those who know what happened do the right thing in 2012 and come forward.

I still cannot believe that this happened to our family and that we still have no idea what happened to Damien! It has been such a long time. I know he was last seen on Cowes High Street near the bottom of Sun Hill – and that’s it – nothing else! I have heard stories about people at Moira House and other stories about people in a flat above Hamilton’s Butcher’s Shop …..

I know the only CCTV showing Damien’s last movements was “lost” by police and you have to wonder if that was a simple case of bad policing or was there someone or something that needed to be hidden?

I have heard stories about local low life who “taught him a lesson” Why? I have heard he was wrapped in chicken wire and thrown into the sea; beaten up; killed cut up and fed to pigs; buried on Culver Down; victim of a satanic cult; buried under the Grantham flats; dismembered and buried around Parkhurst Forest; shot in the head in an execution style murder … and more….

He was just 16 years old and still very young and immature and trusting of anyone who showed him some attention.

He is my son and I want his body back.

There are so many theories. At the centre of each of these theories there are recurring names – over and over again. The same people suggested as being involved – and you know who you are/were… I suspect that there are close family members to those people responsible for Damien’s demise that know something – it is not possible that they don’t know – so – make this the year to do the right thing and tell us what you do know and let us have Damien back.

If you know anything related to the disappearance of Damien Nettles, his mothers urges you to contact Hampshire Constabulary Major Crimes Unit in Portsmouth on 0845 045 4545.

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