Damien Nettles: Parkhurst petition reaches over 1,000 signatures

VB readers may remember the article we ran back May about a petition that had been launched in relation to the disappearance of Isle of Wight teenager, Damien Nettles.

Parkhurst Forest:The petition called for the Forestry Commission to give permission for a small part of Parkhurst Forest to be excavated in search of Damien’s remains.

The petition, which was crated by Damien’s sister Sarah, has attracted over 1,000 signatures and Damien’s family are just as determined to keep fighting for permission from the authorities.

According to Sarah’s petition, “Hampshire Constabulary and the Forestry Commission refuse to allow my family and friends to dig the site in Parkhurst Forest at our own time and expense. They have advised that anyone who goes to dig up the site in Parkhurst Forest will be arrested.

“This petition is crucial because my 16 year old brother’s remains (that may have been laying there for the same time as his age when he went missing) could be in the forest.”

For more information see the Petition

Image: Simon Haytack under CC BY 2.0

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