David Icke: Day-Long event at Medina Theatre in September

We’ve all read in the newspapers or seen TV programmes about Island resident David Icke which may have helped form our opinion of him. In September, you’ll have the chance to hear his words in person and make up your own mind. Ed

They once laughed in their millions at David Icke – and some still do, especially in the media – but now thousands of people come to hear him speak all over the world.

David Icke:

Two thousand people turned up recently on the Gold Coast in Australia in what was not even a major city and he has now spoken and researched in 50 countries and written some 20 books. Thousands have even listened via translators in countries where England is not widely spoken.

Incredible turnaround
Twenty-two years after the world decided that ‘Icke is a nutter’ he is speaking all day at the Wembley Arena on October 27th. What has brought about this incredible turnaround?

“First of all a lot more people have had the self-respect and intelligence to find out what I am really saying rather than getting their opinions off-the-peg from the mainstream media,” Icke says. “Secondly, they are seeing that what was in my books nearly 20 years ago is now blatantly happening in the world and increasingly in their own lives.”

“Would make Orwell wince”
Icke has spent nearly a quarter of a century uncovering and exposing what he calls a coldly-coordinated conspiracy by a network of families to hijack the world’s wealth, resources and enforcement systems and they are leading humanity so fast into a global Orwellian state. “In fact,” says Icke, “what is planned – indeed blatantly unfolding – would make even Orwell wince.”

“If anyone thinks that all the economic mayhem, war, and ever more extreme levels of surveillance and control are happening by random accident all over the world at the same time then I have some seafront property in Birmingham that they might like to buy.” says Icke.

Medina presentation
He says that he will expose this massive conspiracy in all its multiple aspects over nine hours at the Medina Theatre on Saturday, 15th September.

David Icke:

The presentation will include some 1,500 illustrations and images in a ‘warm up’ event before his appearance at the Wembley Arena in London on October 27th.

“I will be connecting the dots of everything from the true nature of reality – who and what we really are – to the background to the engineered economic crash, the Big Lie about human-caused climate change and the attacks of 9/11 carried out by the very forces that then used them as the excuse to invade countries, kill and maim millions of people and delete the most basic freedoms in the name of “security”.”

Profits to Shen Clinic
Profits from the event will go to the Shen Clinic in Ryde to pay for treatment for seriously ill people who could not otherwise afford it

Tickets available direct from www.medinatheatre.co.uk or visit www.openvisionevents.com

Or Call Medina Theatre Box Office on (01983) 527020. Tickets are £25 each.

Thanks to Open Vision Events and other companies sponsoring features and taking advertising, you’re able to continue to read VentnorBlog for free – Ed

Image: © Goran Dojchin @GDesign Studio, Kew, Victoria, Australia

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