Did You See Ball Of Light on Boxing Day?

No, we’re not talking about the moon or sun. VB reader Hannah Cushing got in touch this morning about something strange she saw at around 4.35pm on Boxing Day.

bright lightHannah said, “I was walking to work, when I saw two women looking out of their window as I was walking by. They seemed to be looking at something in the sky, so I turned round and there was this very bright ball of white light.”

Blinking red lights
She went on to say, “The light was too bright to be a light from any aircraft that I know of. It was only just getting dark and the thing was showing up very brightly in the sky, (if you held up your thumb in the sky it would about the size of your thumbnail).

“After about 30 seconds I noticed some blinking red lights on the ball of light. The ball of light descended below the horizon north east of Newport and made no noise whatsoever. I want to know if anyone else could have seen this and shed light onto what it could have been?”

Image: Not actual light spotted by Hannah – used for illustration purposes only. Moon image by Horia Varlan under CC BY 2.0