
Discover the wonder world of a healthy brain at Monday’s Cafe Scientifique

It is the European year of the Brain and the British Science Association have made the Brain their theme for May.

The speaker at Monday’s (12th May) Cafe Scientifique meeting will be Dr Katrin Deinhardt, Lecturer in Neuroscience, Centre for Biological Sciences, Southampton.

The title for her talk – which starts at 7pm – is “Home of memories and more – discovering the wonder world of the healthy brain”.

Katrin will discuss some general facts and properties of the brain, and of “memory”, and talk about big challenges and recent advances in trying to understand it.

Where to go
The Regency Suite is above the Conservative Club in Shanklin in Palmerston Road just off the High Street.

The nearest car parks are in Landguard Road and Orchardleigh Road, both only two or three minutes walk to the Conservative Club. Parking is free after 6pm.

Donation entry
As we have to pay a rent for the facilities, we have to ask for a donation of at least £3 on the door to make sure we cover all our expenses. i.e. the rent, cost of speakers’ travel expenses and a meal, plus overnight accommodation if needed.

Next month’s talk is all about chocolate! We’ll remind you nearer the time, but if it’s a subject you’re interested in, mark it in your diary for 9th June.

Image: Karma Owl under CC BY 2.0

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