Donations Sought For Schools Campaign

Standards Not Tiers, was originally established to fight proposals to re-organise the Isle of Wight Education System and abolish the Middle Schools in 2005.

So, it’s not surprising that following the recent announcements to close at least 22 primary schools on the Isle of Wight, that they are continuing to make their voice heard.

You might’ve read the press release published here last week stating their initial reaction to the proposals or heard the interview on Isle of Wight Radio.

What’s clear is that those involved with the Standards-not-Tiers campaign have a wealth of knowledge regarding the education system on the Island and are well placed to comment on the proposed school reforms.

You can be sure that there’s a great deal of activity going on at campaign headquarters and we have been asked to help out by publicising an appeal for donations.

Standards Not Tiers want to place a full page ad in the County Press. Our favourite monopoly media source are not prepared to offer a discount to this worthy cause, so £2000 big ones are needed asap.

If you can help in anyway and are prepared to part with some of your cash (however small or large), please do so asap.

They’ve already raised £650, so just £1350 to go. Please send a cheque made payable to “Standards Not Tiers” for as much as you can afford to:

33 Dudley Road
Isle of Wight
PO38 1EH

Check out their very informative website for more info. Thank you!