Dr Strangelove

10 October 7.30pm Ventnor Winter Gardens
UK 1964 93m Cert PG
Dir: Stanley Kubrick
Cast: Peter Sellers, George C Scott, Sterling Hayden, Slim Pickens

A special presentation as part of Ventnor Film Society’s normal programme, this opportunity to see Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece of Cold War paranoia is presented by its Director of Photography, Gil Taylor. Gil, an Island resident with an illustrious track record as Director of Photography (Repulsion, Cul de Sac, The Omen, Star Wars), will introduce the film and will afterwards host a brief Q&A session.

Few films are able to take a deadly serious issue and place it within the context of a broad comedy successfully. Dr. Strangelove does exactly that. Kubrick’s masterpiece illustrates in brilliant fashion the idiocy of nuclear war and the character of the idiots who are orchestrating it. What strikes one most, however, are the individual characterisations of Sellers, Scott, Hayden and Pickens. To refer to them as memorable roles is a gross understatement. With names such as President Merkin Muffley, General “Buck” Turgidson, General Jack D. Ripper and Major T.J. “King” Kong, you know that these characters will not be soon forgotten. Other features of the film such as the remarkably designed “war room” set, and the hand-held camera techniques and black and white cinematography of Gilbert Taylor, only add to the power and impact of the film.