Education Consultation: Details Released

Education Consultation: Details ReleasedWell, it’s finally here. Following the news that a consultation on schools reforms starts this week, details have now been released by Isle of Wight Council which go into more detail about the three options proposed.

We guess that most of the Island have been trying to get onto it too, as it is taking ages to load up.

The options are :
Option 1 – Establishing a primary (4 to 9), junior high (9 to 14) and learning centres (14 to 19)
Option 2 – Establishing a primary (4 to 11) /secondary (11 to 16 / 11 to 19) set-up with a minimum of 2 classes per year group
Option 3 – Establishing a primary (4 to 11) /secondary (11 to 16 / 11 to 19) set-up with a minimum of 1 class per year group

We’ll be sifting through the details in due course, but if you feel up to through wading through them yourself, you can find it on the Council website.