Aboard the Ellen MacArthur yacht

Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust celebrates another successful year

Natasha shares this latest news on behalf of the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust. Ed

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust is celebrating another successful year with the charity working with record numbers of young people in recovery from cancer partnered with several exciting announcements set to deliver continued growth and accessibility in 2017.

The Trust, which was established 14 years ago by internationally renowned yachtswoman, Dame Ellen MacArthur, gives young people in recovery from cancer the opportunity to take part in inspirational sailing trips and outdoor activity residential courses to rebuild their confidence.

It offers a variety of trips to cater for all abilities and interests, allowing young people to build new friendships and try new activities.

Worked with over 500 young people
In 2016 the Trust was able to invite 524 young people to join them on their trips – an incredible increase of 15% from 2015.

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Moonspra​y sailin​g around​ The Nee​dles (c)​ Martin ​Allen
Image: © Moonspray sailing around ​The Needles Martin Allen

This is the most young people the Trust has been able to work with since its inception in 2003 and is down to funding from supporters such as players of People’s Postcode Lottery to individual fundraisers.

This means that the Trust can continue to work with every young person Principal Treatment Centre and a growing number of Designated Units in the UK, and increase the number of young people invited on trips, despite receiving no government funding.

Skippering first Trust trip
A further milestone has been Hannah Spencer (pictured below), who first sailed with the Trust back in 2010 in her recovery of cancer, becoming the Trust’s second young person to skipper her first Trust trip.

The building of long term relationships by providing support for as long as the young person needs it, is an important part of the Trust’s work, achieved through inviting young people back on trips every year and actively supporting their ambitions to volunteer for the Trust and beyond.

Hannah Spencer
Image: © Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust

Hannah commented on what the role means to her:

“I’ve come a full circle in my relationship with the Trust, as this year I got to skipper on the same boat I did my first trip on back in 2010. I have come back every year in-between then, when I was old enough, I did my RYA Competent Crew, Day Skipper and Yacht Master courses through the Trust and absolutely loved them. I am so pleased to be giving something back and helping young people in the same position I was in.”

Frank Fletcher, the Trust’s CEO adds:

“The successes of 2016 would not have been possible without the generous support of so many people and businesses who have worked so hard to fundraise and volunteer for us. Their contributions will continue to grow and shape the Trust into 2017 and for that we are very grateful.”

New project for Trust
2017 will see the launch of an exciting and ambitious new project for the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust in a bid to reach out to even more young people in recovery from cancer. Details to be released on the 10th of January.

Find out how you can support the Trust and help to make a real difference to young people’s lives by visiting our Website.

Image: © Martin Allen