Emily Brothers and her guide dog, Truffle, with View of Sandown Bay in the background

Emily Brothers, prospective Labour candidate for Isle of Wight East, to target Conservative ‘failure and chaos’

Emily Brothers has announced that she has been selected to contest the Isle of Wight East seat at the next General Election.

The new Labour Party prospective parliamentary candidate for Isle of Wight East, said,

“Representing Labour is a privilege and an exciting opportunity to secure change for Isle of Wight East. I look forward to engaging with local people, community organisations and businesses in the campaign ahead.

“From austerity to the cost of living crisis sums up the Conservative legacy after 14 years of failure and chaos. Labour offers the opportunity for responsible mission driven government through economic growth with quality jobs and improved productivity, making Britain a clean energy superpower, building our NHS fit for the future, tackling crime to improve street safety and breaking down barriers to opportunity.

“I will be listening to voters in the towns and villages that bring together Isle of Wight East to shape local priorities that connect with Labour’s missions for change.

“Every vote will count, so I’ll be working hard to reach out to gain the trust of residents in Isle of Wight East. It is a great place to live, so I want it to thrive by getting our future back.”

Emily Brothers is a Sandown Town Councillor, Governor with The Cornerstone Federation (Bay Primary and Secondary schools and Niton Primary) and is an NHS Governor with Moorfields Eye hospital, leading on building a centre for integrated clinical excellence, education and research.

Professionally, Emily has managed corporate governance and special projects for the Disability Rights Commission. She says that when the last Labour government decided to harmonise equality laws and bodies, she facilitated the transition to form the Equality and Human Rights commission (EHRC) and later managed its Programmes for Health and Local Government.

Prior to this she managed UK-wide post-16 education and employment services for the Royal National Institute for the Blind.

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