Double red post box by dele oke
Image: dele oke under CC BY 2.0

Ensure your vote counts – consider registering for a postal vote: Key dates and new ID requirements explained

During OnTheWight’s Round the Island Tour last week, myself and Simon met many readers who provided some fantastically positive feedback about service we provide, as well as suggestions for improvement.

During a discussion with a couple of readers from Cowes (Hi Jen and Tim!), the subject of how to engage and encourage residents to vote in the General Election came up.

Postal voting takes the stress out of polling day
Jen told us that one year she knew she’d be away during an election, so registered for a postal vote and has kept that going ever since.

Jen explained how easy it was to change her vote to a postal one using the council’s website. Just a few clicks and her preference was switched.

Now she receives the paperwork for her postal vote ahead of an election, giving her time to consider her vote, complete the form and return it – something you can even do in person on the day of an election should you need to.

Still time to change to postal vote
For those who may be away or unable to get to the polling station on 4th July, the deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 19th June.

See the council’s website for more information.

Photo ID
Don’t forget that a requirement to show photo ID has now been introduced.

If you don’t have relevant ID such as a passport or driving license you can apply for a free ID known as a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’ (VAC). 

The deadline to apply for a VAC is 5pm on Wednesday 26th June.  More details can be found on Isle of Wight council’s photo ID page.

Registered to vote?
If you have moved recently or haven’t yet registered to vote, you can also do that online via the council’s website.

The last date to make changes to the register to be able to vote on 4th July is Tuesday 18th June – this includes notifying the council of a change of address.