Equipment Donations by the Friends Boost Scanner’s Potential

Many thanks to George for latest news from the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital. Ed

Two items of much-appreciated medical equipment, bought for £8,225 by the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital to complement the hospital’s new CT scanner, were officially handed over by two of the Friends’ volunteers.

“Technology is advancing at a phenomenal speed,” said Graeham Mann, Superintendent Radiographer. “These two pieces of equipment will enable us to report on images which are superior in quality.

“We are extremely grateful to the Friends for all the support they have given us over the years.”

Insufflator a great addition
One of the items is an insufflator, which is an alternative to a barium enema for examining the large bowel. “It enables us to offer a scan known as a CT colonography, which is much more comfortable for patients, and provides additional abdominal pathology information compared with a barium enema,” he said. “Although this is a new service at St Mary’s, demand from our referrers is very high.”

The other piece of equipment is a CT injector pump, enabling high-speed injections to be given that enhance the image of CT scans. “It is easy to use and very popular with our staff,” he said.

The Friends are a registered charity largely made up of volunteers, which from the proceeds of their shop and cafeterias, plus generous donations and legacies, provide equipment and other facilities to top up those provided by the NHS on the Island.

Image: Graeham with Friends’ volunteers, Margaret Bowyer (left) and Rosemary Denham