Oak tree in the sunshine
Image: jan huber under CC BY 2.0

Explore Northwood Park’s veteran oaks with Tree Warden Paul Taylor: Isle of Wight Biosphere Festival 2024 (Free)

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As part of the first Isle of Wight Biosphere Festival take a walk around the veteran oaks of Northwood Park under the guidance of, Paul Taylor, the Tree Warden for the local Council.

The Park is nationally famous for its dozen Mirbeck’s Oaks (Quercus canariensis), and has one unique oak recently classified by the National Tree Register.

So with a leisurely walk through the Park you will have a look at the differences of the nine species of Oak, which the Park has, including the two County Champions.

Where and when
Meeting at the commemorative rose-bed in Park Road on Saturday 29th June at 2pm at Northwood Park, Ward Avenue, Cowes.

There are no age restriction and dogs are welcome on a lead.

No booking required. For information email Paul Taylor, [email protected]

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