charlotte Brodie fire

Family (without insurance) lose everything in house fire

Laura Brodie has been in touch with an appeal she hopes OnTheWight readers can help with.

Her sister, Charlotte, was the victim of house fire last week and has lost everything she and her family own.

They’d only been in their new home for two months and are now homeless and without any possessions.

charlotte Brodie fire

Laura explains,

“My sister and her family just moved to a new build two months ago and last week it caught fire.

“She has lost absolutely everything, nothing is salvageable and the two young young boys have lost all there toys and clothes.

“They have been left homeless. They’ve lost beds, clothes, kids toys and all electronics.

“She didn’t have any contents insurance, silly, but a hard mistake.

“If anyone could help in anyway, anything would be appreciated.”

If you’d like to donate to the fund you can do so via Go Fund Me or transfer money via PayPal by sending to [email protected]

charlotte Brodie fire