Izzy and Olly illustration

Find out more about Izzy and Ollie’s Children’s Safety Education Project

Joanne Keeling, a police officer with Hampshire Constabulary has been in touch with details of this excellent project. She tells us that a percentage of the profits will go to The Bright Horizons Children’s Foundation who support women and children in times of crisis. Ed

My daughter saved my life and is now helping me to write children’s books to help save lives and keep children safe.

Izzy and Ollie is a new Children’s Safety Education Project that was inspired when my two year old called an ambulance for me in an emergency. As I have life threatening allergies, I have taught both my young children basic emergency responses should I or indeed they ever find themselves needing urgent help.

Never too young
There are millions of people around the world who suffer from an illness or acute condition or even become incapacitated following an accident which could require emergency care.

If, like I was, you were at home with only your young children, you may be relying on them for assistance one day. As our story hit the media it became apparent that other parents had not considered teaching their young children this vital life saving skill simply because they considered them too young to understand, or incapable of doing so.

My daughter is living proof!
Isabelle (now six) and I have written a series of stories for children based around characters Izzy and Ollie and their magical bear Ellie. The children find themselves entangled in a predicament and the story teaches children a course of action they can undertake.

The first in the series, Adventure in an Ambulance, is an illustrated storybook, perfect for reading to young children to help them understand how to call the Emergency Services. It has been published by Small World and is supported by Early Years organisation, Bright Horizons.

Charity will profit
Izzy and Ollie will be donating a percentage of Author profits to their charity, The Bright Horizons Children’s Foundation who support women and children in times of crisis.

As a police officer (Hampshire) this is very appropriate for me and I am delighted to be supporting such a worthwhile cause.

Find out more about Izzy and Ollie by visiting the official Website.