Postcard of Blackgang Chine:

Find out more about landslides at tonight’s Cafe Scientifique talk

The fourth meeting Cafe Scientifique of the season takes place tonight, Monday 8th April, from 7pm at the Regency Suite above Shanklin Conservative Club.

As mentioned last week, the speaker will be Dr Alan Clark, a retired geologist and civil engineer with a wealth of experience.

Organiser of the event, Pam Ash, says, “Those members who came to the talk he gave at the Geological Society of the Isle of Wight (GSIW) in November will know what an interesting and good speaker he is.”

Alan will be talking about ‘Landslides, Rockfalls and Engineering Geology: The Island, Mainland and Overseas’.

Catch up afterwards
It should be a fascinating and enlightening talk.

For those unable to attend the talk, it will be recorded and uploaded to the IW Cafe Scientifique Website as usual.

Image: © Used with permission of Isle of Wight Historical Postcards

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