Find the Fault: The Ranger’s Quiz

Find the Fault: The Ranger's QuizThe Virtual Ranger, aka Matthew Chatfield, Head of Parks, Countryside and Beaches for IW Council, has been running a great quiz on his blog recently.

It was started following the purchase of an old boxed game he discovered at a car boot fair. For just £1, the Ranger picked up this wonderful example of a 1920s/30s card quiz with which he’s been entertaining his readers with ever since.

This parlour game contains of a number of picture cards with country scenes. Something on the card is incorrect and you have to guess what that is.

For example …. the first card showed a garden scene with an apple tree. Observers noticed that the tree bore appeals and blossom at the same time, and also the the blossom had only four petals instead of five.

It’s been really interesting following this one and we’re pleased to see that there are fifteen cards in total, so plenty more for you to take part in if you have missed the first five.

Take a look yourself at Find the Fault.

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