After the clearance

Five go weeding in Newport

Three cheers to staff at Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council, who this morning, without being asked, spent a couple of hours tidying up a popular seating area in Newport.

The spot was outside the large British Heart Foundation shop on the High Street, just up from County Hall.

As anyone who passes the area will have seen it getting more and more overgrown, so earlier today Laura Jones, Vikki Wright, Lucy Molyneux, Alan Tombleson and Josh Tombleson (the community council’s clerk) all decided to take action.

Before the work started

They got handy with their gardening tools and as you can see the results of a couple of hours work is brilliant.

Well done also to Sweet Charlies who kindly supplied the team with hot drinks.

Image: L-R Laura Jones, Vikki Wright, Lucy Molyneux, Alan Tombleson, Josh Tombleson