Flashpoint! Northcourt Manor History Re-enactment (till Friday)

Northcourt Manor in Shorwell is the scene of a fascinating re-creation of Civil War life this week (till Friday 14th, 10am – 5pm).

The Church, State and Household Living History Group take us back in time to 1642. The local militia are defending Wight against the King of England who has tried to levy a poll tax upon his subjects.

The smell of gunpowder is in the air and the usually-tranquil Northcourt is disturbed by intermittent musket fire and violent skirmishes (by closing time today I’d lost count of the number of bodies strewn about).

Indoors three rooms show life as lived by the nobles. There’s sewing. There’s music. There’s 17th-Century food – potage and the like. Ladies’ bosoms wobble above tight corsetry.

A midwife shows us swaddling bands as used on young infants to “straighten their legs”. Up by the stables there’s a tavern with wenches (“I’ve been flogged,” one tells me. “I’m seeing someone my father disapproves of. It won’t stop me though!” Everyone has a fascinating story to tell. They all take it terribly seriously and make it very authentic. It’s impossible not to enter into the spirit of it.

There’s also a mystery to solve – a gamekeeper appears to have been murdered, and no-one’s sure who did it”¦ each person holds a little piece of the jigsaw. And each day a little more of the story unravels.

If you’re very lucky you might be ambushed by greycoats like I was. I’ve never been threatened with a musket before. “Don’t tell them you saw us,” one glowering greycoat warned my son, “Or your mother gets it…”

Very entertaining, very educational, and if it all gets a bit too thrilling you can go for a wander in the beautiful gardens, or pop round the back to the tea-room for a fortifying cuppa or cream tea.

Tickets: £7 adult; £6 senior; £5 child; under 5s free; discount for family/group.

Check the Northcourt Manor Website for more info