As part of the FolkStation Festival taking place at Havenstreet Steam Railway next month (more to come on that later), a charity concert will be taking place on Sunday 12th July from 7pm.
Organisers of the Festival felt that as the marquee used for the festival would still be in place with a stage and sound system, etc, they would donate the complete facility to anyone who wanted to put on a folky type entertainment in aid of charity.
The Scottish Fiddlers stepped forward and said they would put on the whole evening.
If you have been to one of their events you will know if can be hugely varied and entertaining.
The concert itself is absolutely free to get into but obviously the band who are playing for free and the festival organisers who are providing equipment, space, etc for free would very much welcome donations to the chosen charity, The Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline.
You can check out more info about The Scottish Fiddlers