Natalie Bennett and Vix Lowthion

Former Green Party leader to visit Ryde following East Wight Primary success

OnTheWight heard overnight that the former leader of the Green Party, Baroness Natalie Bennett, will be making a visit to the Isle of Wight today (Tuesday).

Possibly due to discussions about the East Wight Primary on the national podcast, The News Agents, it has come to the attention of the Green Party HQ that the grassroots initiative is gathering a lot of support and momentum for the Green Party here on the Island.

The People’s Champion
Almost 1,000 voters in East Wight took part in the East Wight Primary initiative, with Vix Lowthion the Green Party candidate receiving 53 per cent of the vote, as well as winning exit polls from the many hustings held on the Island over the past few weeks.

Dressed all in green
The Green Party peer, Baroness Bennett, will be making a special visit to the Island today, heading to Ryde. Green Party and East Wight Primary supporters are being invited to greet her arrival outside Co-op in Ryde at 4pm.

OnTheWight has been told that those attending are being asked to be all dressed in green.