Gales Force Winds Forecast For Next 48 Hours & Flood Alert (updated)

The sky is blue and the sun shining down in Ventnor, but it may not stay like that for long.

Warning map:The Met Office have issued a Yellow weather warning (Be Aware) for strong winds over the next couple of days and we’re may also see more wet weather.

They say, “As the Low pressure system moves northeast across the UK strong winds will develop across our region. These are expected to develop during the coming night. Winds will become strong to gale force with gusts widely 45-50 mph but isolated 60 mph along southern coasts.

“This sort of wind strength at this time of year is enough to cause problems with falling trees as they are in full leaf. This may bring down power lines or block parts of the road and rail network.”

Flood alert
A Flood Alert has been issued by the Environment Agency for the Isle of Wight coast.

Flooding is possible for the coast around the Isle of Wight at high tide. Low lying land and roads will be affected first.

Thanks to John from Vectis 4×4 Response for the update.