Montage of The Bay students (1)

GCSE students at The Bay shine bright amidst Pandemic difficulties

News shared by Karen on behalf of The Bay CE School, Sandown. Ed

Everyone amongst our school community is so proud that this cohort of young people have risen to the extraordinary challenges posed by the pandemic during key education years in the build up to their GCSEs.

Despite these challenging times, our students have demonstrated an incredible work ethic, displaying high levels of maturity and resilience during their studies; qualities that will stand them in good stead for their future studies and lives.

Results reflect the hard work that they put in
We are all so pleased that their results reflect the hard work that they put in.

We would like to congratulate all of our students at The Bay who have worked extremely hard throughout the course of their time with us and especially over the past two years.

Thanks to parents and staff
We would also like to thank the dedication and commitment of our Year 11 parents and  all staff who have worked tirelessly to support both individuals and the whole of Year 11, ensuring the best life chances for our students. 

There are many students who have lots to be proud of and who have opened doors to future courses and education.

Special mentions
However a special mention should go to the following students for their dedication and results which can only have been achieved through such hard work:

  • Blake Poerscout-Edgerton (Six grade 9s, 3 grade 8s and 1 grade 7)
  • Cleo Avey 
  • Lucas Bean
  • Connor Beeney
  • Rhianna Honey
  • Caleb Palmer
  • Willow Samuel
  • Lilly Sumner
  • Enke Grandchamp
  • Alesia Rus

‘Believe Inspire Excel’
Education at The Bay CE School embodies ‘Believe Inspire Excel’ – as we move forward and continue to work together to embed strong Teaching and Learning across the school, we are confident that the number of students excelling will continue to increase year on year as our school continues to go from strength to strength.

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