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Glowing report for Isle of Wight care home

Well done to all at Easthill Home for Deaf People which this week received a glowing report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Easthill is registered to provide accommodation for older people and specialises in caring for deaf people. They have nine residents, some of whom are living with dementia or have a learning disability.

CQC Inspectors found the provision in all areas at the home to be ‘Good’.

Treated with kindness and compassion
Some highlights from the report include:

  • People said the most important aspect of living at the home was the opportunity to mix with other deaf people and to be able to communicate with staff effectively.
  • Interpreters were arranged for all medical appointments to help people communicate effectively with doctors and specialists.
  • People were treated with kindness and compassion.
  • Staff spoke fondly about the people they supported and knew them well.
  • People were encouraged to remain as independent as possible, their privacy was protected and they were treated with respect.
  • Care and support were provided in a personalised was by staff who understood and met people’s needs well.
  • A range of activities was provided and the home had set up a deaf club to encourage deaf people living in the community to visit.
  • The home was clean and staff followed guidance to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Medicines were managed safely and people received their medicines when they needed them.
  • There were enough staff to support people at all times and recruitment processes helped make sure only suitable staff were employed.
  • Staff received appropriate training, support and supervision in their work and felt valued.
  • There was a clear management and staffing structure in place and people and their relatives said they considered the service was well run.

The inspection report
For full details see the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: geishaboy500 under CC BY 2.0