Graf Art and Xtreme Filming

As part of the Quay Arts Digital Kraft Summer School comes this course for those interested in the more extreme side of life.

Graf Art and Xtreme FilmingFor the price of a new Etnies Tshirt you can have a masterclass with local skate legend John Cattle as he takes a break from filming his latest Wight Trash epic.

An action packed day divided between learning the spray can techniques of Graf art with UK based graf artist Duncan and capturing live skate tricks performed by local skate talent all to be edited down into one fresh mini urban art skate film.

John Cattle has been filming and editing skate movies on the island for over a decade and his Wight Trash fillms have gained international recognition.

Graf artist Duncan Newland who has run a multitude of art workshops and courses with the aim of erasing the image that Grafitti has of back street vandalism in the hope that people will see it as a positive visual urban art form.

To book your place, please call Box Office on 01983 822490 and don’t forget to say where you heard about it.