20mph zone road sign

Green Party to urge Isle of Wight council to prioritise 20mph town centres

The AGM of the Isle of Wight Green Party last night (Monday) saw members unanimously pass a resolution to look for 20mph speed limits in our town centres.

This comes only two weeks after a fatal traffic incident on Newport High Street, and days after a second serious road incident outside Marks and Spencer. Both events concerned pedestrians, both involved older people and both were right in the centre of the town.

Smith: Road safety on the Island needs to be seriously looked at
Newport Green Party community councillor, Michael Smith, was himself hit by a vehicle in central Newport in December 2021, and spent much of 2022 receiving residential care as part of his recovery.

He said,

“It’s clear that recent incidents have shown that road safety on the Island needs to be seriously looked at in order to ensure that pedestrians have every opportunity to cross safely.

“Other councils in England are prioritising 20mph areas to make our roads safer and reduce pollution.

“People on the Isle of Wight deserve similar safety measures. We don’t want to see similar tragic incidents happen again.”

Appeal to Cabinet
Cllr Joe Lever, Green Party councillor for Carisbrooke and Gunville, added,

“The council’s speed review data is currently being collated into a report for Cabinet in the Spring.

“This should contain recommendations and suggestions to address the demand for improved road safety in our towns across the Island.

“I urge the Cabinet to ensure that 20mph roads in our town centres are included in these recommendations.”

Isle of Wight Green Party meetings are held regularly on the third Monday each month (7pm) at the Riverside centre. All are welcome.

News shared by Vix on behalf of Isle of Wight Green Party. Ed

Image: edinburghgreens under CC BY 2.0