Older man using a laptop whilst sitting in a public place on some steps

Help shape the future of digital support services across the Isle of Wight

The Age Friendly Island (AFI) Partnership had a very good response to the Digital Survey that was run earlier this year and they thank everyone who completed the survey.

Due to the Coronavirus Lockdown that was in place at the time, the survey was only available online and by telephone and so they were not able to hear from the many older residents that aren’t as confident at using digital technology or from those who aren’t digitally connected at all.

Don’t miss the deadline
The Digital Survey is available once again in the form of printed paper copies. The deadline for the responses is Friday 13th August and they encourage everyone to complete the survey and help the Age Friendly Island Partnership to shape the future of digital support services across the Island. (Please do not complete the survey again if you have already done so).

Paper copies
Paper copies of the survey will be available to collect from any Council library from Wednesday 14th July, can be requested by simply calling Age UK Isle of Wight on (01983) 525282 to receive a copy and a FREEPOST return envelope in the post, or it can be printed from our Website and returned to us using the FREEPOST address (printed on the survey).

If you are already digitally connected, but did not complete the survey in the Spring, you can still access the survey online via our Website.

Age Friendly Island
Age Friendly Island is part of Ageing Better, a programme set up by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK. 

Ageing Better aims to develop creative ways for people aged over 50 to be actively involved in their local communities, helping to combat social isolation and loneliness.

News shared by Elisha on behalf of Age UK Isle of Wight. Ed

Image: garryknight under CC BY 2.0