Helen presents High Sheriff with the Spartan Proposal with members of the WAM Team

High Sheriff backs campaign to repatriate historic ‘Helen of Troy’ aircraft to the Isle of Wight

At the end of his recent visit to the Wight Aviation Museum the new High Sheriff, Graham Biss was presented with a Bring the Spartan Home Campaign Brochure by Helen Blake Chairperson of Wight Aviation Museum (WAM).

The Spartan Aircraft called Helen of Troy built in Cowes on the Isle of Wight and the last of its type, is currently in New Zealand. WAM have a campaign to bring the plane back to the Island as its natural “retirement home”.

A guided tour
The High Sheriff was visiting the Museum to find out more about the rich and diverse heritage of aviation and aerospace on the Isle of Wight. He was given a guided tour by the enthusiastic volunteers of the WAM Team.

In the Holleyman Shed, Richard Holleyman, a founder member of WAM, explained how the early airframes were constructed for the wood and canvas planes.

Mary Ellis
Helen also talked to the High Sheriff, about the well known WWII female pilot Mary Ellis, from the Air Transport Auxillary, who lived on the Island and was manager of Sandown Airport in the 1950s.

Part of the display includes Mary’s ATA uniform donated by her family.

Isle of Wight Rockets
Finally the High Sheriff viewed the Isle of Wight Rockets display where WAM volunteer Grant Goodwin talked about the Black Knight and Black Arrow rockets which were designed, built and tested on the Isle of Wight before being shipped to Woomera, Australia for launching.

The final launching in 1971 of Black Arrow R3 placed the X3 satellite, nicknamed “Prospero” into orbit around the earth where it remains today.

Biss: Pleased to see it developing so well
The High Sheriff was very impressed with museum and what the WAM Team have achieved, saying,

“I am very pleased to see the Wight Aviation Museum is developing so well, preserving and displaying artefacts and exhibits from the Isle of Wight aviation heritage, but also its focus on the stories of the people from the Island involved in that history!”

Blake: Really encouraging for the WAM Team
Helen Blake, chair person of WAM enthused,

“It’s really encouraging for the WAM Team to get prestigious visitors such as the High Sheriff and for them to appreciate our work.”

Find out more
For more information, email “Spartan Campaign” to [email protected] or phone or text to 07949 704052 or visit our website.

News shared by Brian on behalf of Wight Aviation Museum. Ed