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Home-Start Isle of Wight launches ‘Kick-Start with Home-Start’ January campaign

An Island charity has launched its January fundraising campaign to help support 100 families – by giving each a £25 food voucher. 

The ‘Kick-Start with Home-Start’ campaign aims to support struggling families looking after very young children to buy fresh food and essentials.

‘From my family to yours’
With the tagline ‘From my family to yours’ the campaign encourages Islanders to give a little help to other families during the cold winter months. 

The charity says it consistently hears from Island families that this is one of the hardest times of the year to stay on top of things financially, as many feel the pinch post-Christmas and as the cost of living continues to rise. 

Griffiths: When times are tough every little really does help
Alison Griffiths, Scheme Manager, Home-Start Isle of Wight says,

“At Home-Start we know how hard the winter months can be for families. 

“The expense of Christmas and the cost of living crisis make January and February so challenging. 

“Following the success of last year’s Kick Start campaign we want to be able to support 100 families by giving them a £25 supermarket voucher. 

“We know that £25 will not solve people’s financial worries but it will help parents to buy fresh food, or essentials like nappies and milk and when times are tough every little really does help.”

“It was really unexpected – to be honest I had a little cry”
Laura a mum who is being supported by Home-Start IOW says,

“We are so grateful to receive the voucher for Morrisons. 

“It was really unexpected – to be honest I had a little cry. It is just so difficult juggling everything at this time of year. 

“After the expense of Christmas, we were really struggling and knew that there was not enough money to cover all our bills. 

“We are not a family who would ask for help but to be given it was amazing! Just to know that other people are that kind is very overwhelming – thank you.”

Share to social media
The charity is also asking families to post a photo or video of a favorite recipe or mealtime moment using the hashtag #KickStartWithHomeStart and tagging Home-Start IOW on Facebook or Instagram

You can pledge your support via the JustGiving page and also share the campaign via social media.

News shared by Alison on behalf of Home-Start Isle of Wight. Ed