How to whitelist OnTheWight

If you are running an adblocker but can still see our ads, it’s possible your adblocker software isn’t functioning properly. Once you have whitelisted OnTheWight, the problem should be resolved.

OnTheWight has been running for over ten years now, providing Isle of Wight news, travel, events and community information to thousands of Islanders. You tell us your love and value the service.

You, the reader, can read this for free because local businesses pay us to show you adverts because they want to tempt you to spend your money on the Island.

OnTheWight needs to be sustainable
Like any organisation, we need to pay the bills, so without a means of income we won’t be able to continue to bring you this service free of charge.

Support OnTheWight by whitelisting
Many readers said to us they’d would be happy to switch their ad blockers off for our site, because they value having an alternative news source, but just don’t know how to turn the ad blocker off.

So below we have set out how you can ‘whitelist’ OnTheWight in three ad blockers;

Adblock Plus

If your adblocker isn’t listed above, just read through the steps below, as they all work in a similar way. If you are struggling, please just get in touch with us.

Thanks in advance
Thank you in advance for doing this and supporting both OnTheWight as a local business and the advertisers.

Adblock Plus
In just two simple steps, you’ll be back supporting a local business.

1 – Go to our home page and then click on the ABP icon on the toolbar menu (top right).

2 – If it says that ABP is enabled, click on that text.

How to Whitelist with AdBlock Plus

This will Whitelist the ad blocker just for OnTheWight and your drop down menu should now look the same as the screen grab below.

How to Whitelist with AdBlock Plus

To confirm that you have indeed Whitelisted OnTheWight, , click on the ABP icon again, then select ‘Options’ at the bottom of the menu.

Click on the Whitelisted Domains tab and should appear in the lower text box.

How to Whitelist with AdBlock Plus

If it is there, then you’re done.

In just three simple steps, you’ll be back supporting a local business.

1 – Go to our home page and then click on the Adblock icon to show the toolbar menu.

2 – Select the option ‘Don’t run on pages on this domain’.

Whitelisting OnTheWight with AdBlock

3 – Next a dialogue box will appear (see below), asking you to ‘Exclude’ – just click the Exclude button

How to whitelist with AdBlock

The AdBlock icon on the menu bar will change to a thumbs up on a green background, showing that you’ve whitelisted OnTheWight.

If you click on this icon the AdBlock menu is displayed. At the top ‘Adblock is disabled on this page’ will be shown.

How to whitelist with AdBlock

If it is there, then you’re done.

In just two simple steps, you’ll be back supporting a local business.

1 – Go to our home page and then click on the uBlock icon to show the toolbar menu.

At the top of the menu that appears is a very large blue circle with a line through the top (see below)

2 – To whitelist OnTheWight just click on the large blue button.

Whitelisting with uBlock

To show that the site is Whitelisted, the button will show as grey.

Whitelisting with uBlock

If it is there, then you’re done.