IOW Film Archive This Sunday

This coming Sunday, the Ventnor Film Society will be hosting a very special archive filmshow at the Ventnor Winter Gardens.

IOW BusesThe title of the programme is Looking Through the Isle of Wight Film Archives and will be doing just that.

Trustee of the Archive, Bob Ennis, will introduce the show and jointly present with fellow Trustee John Bartlett.

Extracts from the archive will include:
The Sunshine Isle the first Isle of Wight publicity film, made by the Isle of Wight Cine Club in 1949
The Royal Visit 1966
The Wreck of the Volkerak at Brook
The SRN2 provides the first hovercraft service from Appley beach in Ryde in 1962
The Isle of Wight Railways in the 1930s (featuring the Ventnor West line)
Travel to the Island in the early 1960s see how the crowds were in the heyday of the holiday season
Captured on Cine Reel (and a preview of Reel 2) a compilation of amateur footage edited by John Bartlett
Sunshine Cruises, a publicity film for Red Funnel Steamers made in 1932

Contact The Ventnor Film Society for tickets (£7 / £6 concessions) and further information.

Sunday November 19th 2006 3-6pm at Ventnor Winter Gardens.