IOW Jazz Youth Orchestra: Auditions Soon

Thanks to Geri from the Jazz Office for news of jazz orchestra auditions that are being held next month. Details below, it looks like a great opportunity for any young budding musicians to broaden their scope.

We are very pleased to announce that our charity IOW Jazz has recently formalized plans with Platform One in Newport to launch a brand new IOW Jazz Youth Orchestra. One of the remits for the IOW Jazz charity is to promote the education of young people in jazz music and this new project will be led by Platform One, with IOW Jazz fundraising events providing aspects of support at different points.

The orchestra is open to young musicians aged 14-24 who can read music and are of grade 8 standard, although their technique is more important than their qualifications. Auditions are to be held at Platform One (48A Dodnor Lane, Newport) on Saturday 4th November, 1-4pm. There are between 15 and 20 places available, and all manner of instruments are welcomed, including brass, keys, percussion, woodwind and strings.

Platform One is an independent, not-for-profits youth arts organization, specializing in the development and delivery of arts initiatives and training opportunities for young people on the Isle of Wight. The lead tutor will be sax supreme Gary Plumley, who has led some of our Jazz Workshops in Ventnor and has an international reputation for his playing.

This exciting new project is aimed at young island musicians who are serious about their music and who wish to learn new skills and experience the fun of playing jazz in a large ensemble. If it succeeds it may lead to tours, and could well provide aspiring musicians with an opportunity to perform in front of a much larger audience.

It’s a couple of weeks off yet, but mark it in your diary if you intend to take part.