Polling station sign taped to a brick wall
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Is your Isle of Wight councillor planning to stand down for a May by-election or carry on until 2026?

Conservative councillor for Lake North, Tig Outlaw and Empowering Islanders councillor for Freshwater South, John Medland, have both resigned as Isle of Wight councillors.

It’s likely that by-elections for their seats will be held at the same time as the town, parish and community council elections on 1st May.

This year’s IWC elections were postponed until May 2026 in order for early devolution negotiations to take place.

Is your councillor staying on?
It’s been said that some councillors intend to step down, while others are planning to carry on for another year, so OnTheWight have written to them all to ask what their plans are.

Below are the responses we’ve had so far. We will update the table as and when councillors get back to us.

CouncillorWardStaying in the role until May 2026
Councillor David AdamsNettlestone and SeaviewAwaiting response
Councillor Debbie AndreSandown NorthYes
Councillor Jonathan BaconBrading and St HelensAwaiting response
Councillor Michael BestonShanklin CentralAwaiting response
Councillor Ed BlakeVentnor and St LawrenceYes
Councillor Paul BradingLake SouthYes
Councillor Geoff BrodiePan and BartonAwaiting response
Councillor Vanessa ChurchmanHaylands and SwanmoreYes
Councillor Claire CritchisonChale, Niton and ShorwellYes
Councillor Ian DoreBinstead and FishbourneAwaiting response
Councillor Rodney DownerWroxall, Lowtherville and BonchurchYes
Councillor Warren DrewRyde South EastAwaiting response
Councillor Paul FullerCowes West and GurnardAwaiting response
Councillor Andrew GarrattParkhurst and HunnyhillYes
Councillor Stephen HendryOsborneYes
Councillor Christopher JarmanTotland and ColwellYes
Councillor Julie Jones-EvansNewport CentralYes
Councillor Phil JordanRyde North WestAwaiting response
Councillor Joe LeverCarisbrooke and GunvilleAwaiting response
Councillor Michael LilleyRyde Appley and ElmfieldYes
Councillor Karl LoveEast CowesYes
Councillor Karen LucioniRyde MonktonmeadYes
Councillor John MedlandFreshwater SouthResigned
Councillor Clare MosdellNewchurch, Havenstreet and AsheyAwaiting response
Councillor John NicholsonCowes South and NorthwoodYes
Councillor Martin OliverMountjoy and ShideYes
Councillor Tig OutlawLake NorthResigned
Councillor Lora Peacey-WilcoxCowes MedinaAwaiting response
Councillor Matthew PriceFairlee and WhippinghamYes
Councillor Richard QuigleyCowes NorthAwaiting response
Councillor Chris QuirkShanklin SouthAwaiting response
Councillor Ray RedrupNewport WestAwaiting response
Councillor Sarah RedrupWootton BridgeAwaiting response
Councillor Joe RobertsonBembridgeAwaiting response
Councillor Peter SpinkFreshwater North and YarmouthAwaiting response
Councillor Ian StephensRyde WestAwaiting response
Councillor Nick StuartBrighstone, Calbourne and ShalfleetAwaiting response
Councillor Ian WardSandown SouthYes
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