Island Generosity Comes To The Fore: The Walkers

Ventnor BeachYou might remember a couple of weeks ago we posted an appeal on VentnorBlog for a couple who were looking for somewhere to stay in Ventnor for five weeks over the summer.

Having visited Ventnor many times over the past year, they are hoping to move here and wanted to stay for an extended period to assess whether they could still run a business in Sheffield, whilst residing on the South of the Wight.

We bumped in Helen and Andrew at Goodman’s Deli the following week and were amazed to hear how many generous offers they’d received in response to the appeal on the blog. Here at VentnorBlog, we love positive stories, so Helen agreed to pen a few words about their experience so far.

Hi Sal and Simon

It was lovely to meet you in the deli the other day. I promised that I would get back to you with some details of how we have got on in our quest to stay in Ventnor for five weeks while trying to control our business.

Your lovely article has been great. If we had used this earlier I’m sure we would have got sorted out by the local people who use your Website. I had a lovely lady contact us, who said if we were really in a pickle, she might let us stay with her.

I have also had two people who own holiday accommodation get in touch.

I have also had a reply from a gentleman with a flat in Ryde who could relate to our dilemma as he has bought his flat in readiness for a move to the Island. He wants to maintain a business on the mainland too.

It’s wonderful to hear that Helen and Andrew received such a warm welcome from the Island and that VentnorBlog was able to help out by connecting people together . They’ve been looking at properties for sale in the area too. We wish them luck in their quest.

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