The MMO has accepted an amendment to the current license application under consideration for use of the area off St Catherine’s on the south coast of the Isle of Wight to test tidal energy schemes.
Post-site visit, Natural England have gained commitment from Island Roads to properly consult them before any further work is carried out in the legally-protected SSSI area.
Work on reinstating the road from Niton to the landlocked properties on Undercliff Drive starts this week. Residents can expect to be able to use the road to their properties later this year.
Finding themselves lost, tired and concerned, a holidaying family of twelve did the right thing and called the emergency services. We've got two great sets of photos.
The council have issued plans to the public today, but it looks like there's some really glaring errors in them. Not only that but even council officers admit they haven't even done costings yet. How can they say they're starting in just two months?
The Isle of Wight Council has today (Tuesday 19 May) confirmed details of work to create vehicular access to properties affected by last year’s landslip along Undercliff Drive, near St Lawrence.
Island Roads issue a press release alerting the public they'll be starting more main road resurfacing works shortly - something the 25 year PFI contractor is being paid £1.4m per month to carry out.
Fourteen months since Undercliff Drive suffered a significant landslip, OnTheWight has been talking to those closest to the situation to find out where progress is, including when the public and residents will be able to gain access again.
This reader returns his thoughts to the work that took place at Flowersbrook back in the mid 1990s and questions the purpose of the proposed Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre