You have until close of business today to comment online about the onshore elements of the Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre proposed at Flowersbrook in Ventnor.
A cheeky public artist with a sharp implement and a pot of black paint had some fun at those who have cut landlocked residents' access off from Ventnor.
After a year of pedestrian access through the barriers, the residents now have to drive a near-nine mile round trip just to visit friends and the post office a few hundred yards away from their homes. Haven't they suffered enough?
The Marine Management Organisation considering the tidal energy licence application off St Catherines, Isle of Wight, remind OnTheWight comments on the scheme need to emailed to them by midnight on Friday.
Barriers that were installed in October last year to stop landlocked residents of Undercliff Drive using the volunteer re-patched section of landslipped road have once again been put in place.