Undercliff residents says Island Roads may be required to answer questions about the situation, but it is the Council who must facilitate the process and to simply pass the buck is unacceptable.
As if having to move out of your home unexpectedly wasn’t bad enough, many Undercliff residents had no access their homes after Island Roads put up a new locked gate, with no notice, last week.
As mentioned several times already through OnTheWight, the council will be deciding on how to tackle the landlocked homes on Undercliff Drive next Tuesday.
Residents and businesses around the Island affected by the road closure on Undercliff Drive are being urged to attend an open meeting on Wednesday this week to share their concerns.
Having already pioneered the NitWhit community bus, Niton and Whitwell parish council join others in helping to fund the return of the route 6 bus on Sundays.
Many Islanders (and members of the press) are wondering why the council are taking so long to answer simple questions about events at Undercliff Drive.
You have until close of business today to comment online about the onshore elements of the Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre proposed at Flowersbrook in Ventnor.