runner doing up their trainer laces

Islander to run equivalent of two marathons in December for suicide prevention charity

Over the month of December, Islander Tash Thornton will be running a the equivalent of two marathons for charity.

Starting on the 1st December, Tash began her challenge of running at least 54 miles during December to raise money for Suicide Prevention and Intervention Isle of Wight (SPIIOW).

Tash told News OnTheWight,

“Anyone who knows me will know that I am by no means a runner (unless it’s jogging back to KFC because they forgot my large popcorn chicken), but I will put everything I psychically have into a very worthy charity close to my heart, so please dig deep and I’ll keep you updated every step of the way.” 

Tash has already raised £272, so should hopefully bust through her target of £300. If you would like to show your support head over to her JustGiving page.

Image: Tirachard Kumtanom under CC BY 2.0