Isle of Arts Festival 2012: Call For Volunteers

The line-up for the 2012 Isle of Arts Festival is looking great already and the headline act hasn’t even been announced yet.

Festival BuntingThe not-for-profit festival is on the lookout for volunteers to help out over the weekend of 20-22 April.

They tell us that they’re looking for a broad range of people who can help for a few hours or more and who’re able to apply common sense and courtesy to their festival goers.

Free entry to an event of your choice
If last year was anything to go by, it should be great fun being involved and organisers say they’ll try to make sure that you all get in to see one of the events of your choice free of charge.

If you are interested in helping, call (01983) 855 855 or use their contact page to get in touch with the word VOLUNTEERS in the subject line.

Image: Steve & Jemma Copley under CC BY 2.0

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