Southern Vectis bus in St james's Square

Isle of Wight Bus Users’ Group secures win for Ventnor concessionary travellers

With the upcoming changes to bus services from Ventnor next week (read in detail), the Isle of Wight Bus and Rail Users’ Group (IWBRUG) have succeeded in gaining a win for concessionary bus pass holders.

From Monday (24th June) the Route 3 will no longer travel down into Ventnor Town Centre, instead the new 3X service will replace it for two weeks. This will run every two hours, to and from Newport.

Stuart George from the IWBRUG explained,

“With concessionary travel not normally being available until 9.30am, this meant that the first bus on which it would be available wouldn’t arrive in Newport until 11.59am.”

This makes appointments out of Ventnor more difficult for those who rely on public transport, so IWBRUG raised their concerns with Isle of Wight council.

Swift reponse
In just a matter of hours, Stewart Chandler, Transport Strategy Manager was able to confirm that approval had been agreed for the use of concessionary bus passes on the following journeys during the closure of Newport Road, Ventnor.

  • 9am service 3X departing Ventnor Boots to Newport (Mon- Sun)
  • 8.55am service 6 departing Newport bus station to Ventnor (Mon-Sat)

This should then allow a similar level of provision for concessionary pass holders who usually travel at these times.

A win for IWBRUG
Stuart George told OnTheWight,

“The IW Bus & Rail Users’ Group is pleased that, following representations from our group, the IW Council has now agreed that concessionary passes will be available exceptionally during the road closure on the service 3X at 08.53 from the Tennis Courts (09.00 from Ventnor Boots) and the service 6 at 08.55 from Newport.”

Three cheers for the IWBRUG and thanks to the council for being so amenable.

Public IWBRUG meetings
The IW Bus and Rail Users’ Group hold public meetings every six months (next one in July) where those who use public transport can put their questions to the top bods at Southern Vectis, Island Line and the IWC. We’ll remind you where and when nearer the time.

You can also join the IWBRUG and attend regular monthly meetings. See their website for more information.