People in the public gallery shouting at Conservative Councillors

Isle of Wight Conservatives call for videoing of public gallery at County Hall

Cllr Joe Robertson, Leader of the Conservative Group of Isle of Wight councillors, shares this latest news. In his own words. Ed

The Conservative Group on the Isle of Wight Council is calling for video recording to be introduced in the public gallery at Council meetings.

It follows the scenes at last Wednesday’s Full Council where members of the public started shouting and heckling Councillors during Members Questions.

Brodie: Sit down and “shut up”
Council Chairman, Cllr Geoff Brodie (Ind Lab) told those who were making a noise to sit down and “shut up”. When the noise continued the Chairman adjourned the meeting and ordered the public gallery to be cleared.

The Full Council was meeting to discuss and vote on the budget for 2022/23 along side routine agenda items.

Leader: Harassment over use of glyphosate
Council Leader Lora Peacey-Wilcox (Alliance) delivered her update report at the beginning of the meeting and referred to threats and intimidation of Councillors. She said she knew people had been affected on both sides of the Chamber including recent harassment she had been subject to.

When asked by Conservative Group Leader, Cllr Joe Robertson, if she could give a little more detail about the harassment she was talking about she said it related to the controversial re-introduction of glyophosate in weed killer.

Questions over Golly dolls
The disruption came less than two hours later during Members Questions when Cllr Joe Robertson, Leader of the Conservative Group, began questioning the Leader about the picture she posted on social media showing a display of “Golly” dolls.

When Cllr Peacey-Wilcox said she would not answer whether she had a collection of Golly dolls on display because it did not relate to the agenda or the Council’s policies, the Chairman intervened to say he “disagreed”.

He said the Leader should provide an answer because it related to the Council’s policies and commitment to equality and diversity whereupon several members of the public stood up and started shouting and gesticulating at councillors.

Calls of ‘Tory scum’
Wootton Bridge resident Michael Ward who was in the gallery on Wednesday and said,

“The shouting from the public spoiled things for those of us who were there to watch the debate. There had already been an opportunity for the public to put questions at the beginning of the meeting. One man looked agitated for much of the evening.

“When Cllr Robertson started questioning the Leader about the controversial Golly figures, the man stood up and started shouting at what appeared to be the Council Chairman before redirecting his insults at the Conservative side of the Chamber.

“He was shouting, ‘Tory scum’ and then a woman got up and lent over the railings and started shouting. They appeared to be supporters of Cllr Peacey-Wilcox as they had gathered for press photos for a local newspaper before the meeting started.”

Cllr Ian Ward (Con) added,

“One of the people shouting from the public gallery that I could see was the Council Leader’s husband.”

Robertson: Hecklers appeared to be wanting to deflect from my questioning
Reflecting on the events of Wednesday’s Full Council meeting, Cllr Joe Robertson said,

“I have written to the Chief Executive to ask him to explore options for installing video recording in the public gallery. It only seems fair that if the Councillors are visible then those members of the public who are present should also be visible.

“The way the County Hall chamber is currently laid out, the public gallery is high up and not in reach of the cameras which record the meeting for people watching online.

“It is intimidating for Councillors down on the floor of the chamber when people are standing up above them and shouting, ‘scum’ and other insults.

“The hecklers on Wednesday appeared to be wanting to deflect from my questioning of the Council Leader who had herself spoken about intimidation of people in public office.

“The Council is already clear in the meeting paperwork that the meetings are subject to recording, so attendees should be aware of this and by being in the public gallery are giving their consent to being filmed.

“All we need to do now is put arrangements in place to ensure this occurs effectively and we can then hold to account those who seek to abuse Councillors.”

Public gallery emptied
After the Chairman adjourned the meeting and ordered the public gallery to be closed some of those present refused to leave.

Council staff had to go up to the gallery and took around ten minutes to clear the gallery before the meeting could continue.

Ellis: “I found it very intimidating”
Cllr Suzie Ellis, who questioned the Leader when the meeting resumed, said afterwards,

“I found it very intimidating. From where I sit the public are behind my shoulder and about ten feet up in the air, I would have found it difficult to ask questions with that going on. From my position I could not see who was there or what was happening – I could only hear the shouted insults. 

“Having video recording installed would certainly make us all feel safer.  I feel sorry for the public who were present and had to leave the meeting because of a few people around them who could not behave, it was a frightening and disappointing experience.”

The meeting is available to view online (the link below goes to the start of Members Questions) when the incident occurred).